22 Kinship the Elephant – 22 Love

Being a a Warrior Badass Goddess of substance is a balance of grace and tiny daily actions.  22Love reminds me to give gratitude and love for my plethora of gifts, while also reminding me not to try to eat the whole elephant all at once; lest I will choke. 

The elephant is a powerful symbol for me; as it represents my bigger goals. It reminds me that there are universal lessons in life’s journey.  Elephants are patient, they value family, have amazing memories, work hard every day, and they are too big to eat in one sitting (metaphorically).

Each day when I see 22, I am reminded  to stop.  I reflect on gratitude, love, potential life lessons, and I ask myself, am I taking the tiny actions (bites) that lead to my greater goals? These tiny actions or pauses in my day my friends have been deeply gratifying and fulfilling moments.

The tiny bites include giving myself and others grace and gratitude, practicing self acceptance and care through meditation, asking for help, being of service in my community, checking in on my friends and family with daily calls and texts, playing outside, coloring inside and outside the lines, spending time with my furry friends, nurturing my brain children, and most of all hard stopping at 22♥️.

I have strung together enough days to weather many storms and celebrations.  I buried a sibling who died of an opiate overdose, overcome my own childhood trauma and addiction, celebrated and raised two sons who have ADHD, weathered a divorce, and have a long career as a special education teacher and leader. 

I want you to know that kinship with my fellow Warrior Badass Goddess’, being vulnerable, leaning in, 22Love daily gratitude, and eating the elephant one tiny bite at a time has empowered me live a beautiful and meaningful life.  I encourage each of you to join me in eating the elephant one tiny bite at a time and Kinship #22Love. 

Irene Brodsky

Peaceful Warrior Badass Goddess

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