inspiring women inspire the world
INSPIRING works, actions, deeds, opportunities of women deserve to be uplifted and highlighted. Please share about the women that uplift and INSPIRE you! This spotlight will be rotated on the 22nd of each month.
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Inspired by Suzan Harkness

I met Suzan when our boys were in 1st grade together and have been fast friends ever since. She inspires me with her professional path and how she shows up as a friend, daughter, sister and parent. She is a leader in the industry earning roles as a female and leading the way for others. Selfless and inspiring she can guide the way down the educational path. I am grateful to know her and for her friendship.
- Carrie Accardi
More About Suzan:
Suzan Harkness is the new Provost at SUNY Morrisville. Harkness joined SUNY Morrisville with more than two decades of experience in higher education, most recently as Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs and Assessment at Notre Dame of Maryland University in Baltimore, Maryland. In that role, she was responsible for academic operations, student success and retention, institutional accreditation and assessment, policy development and online learning.
As provost, Harkness is responsible for the oversight and administration of all academic support programs and addressing opportunities that support the college’s mission to promote diversity, equity and inclusion. She serves as the contact person for academic policies and procedures.
Currently a full professor, Harkness has held positions at both public and private, small- and medium- sized institutions, co-ed, single gender, predominately minority and institutions focused on serving underrepresented students.
Her administrative experience includes serving as Vice President for Academic Affairs at Stephens College; Special Assistant to the President, Founding Director of the Center for Academic Technology, and Assistant Dean in the Learning Resources Division, all at the University of the District of Columbia.
She was also the Managing Director for Academic Affairs at The Washington Center for Internships and Academic Seminars.
As an early adopter of teaching online beginning in 1995, Harkness broke new ground by using podcast technology in 2005, before much larger institutions jumped on the technological revolution. These early efforts garnered news coverage around the world.
She received national and international recognition by Quality Matters, Blackboard International and the National University Technology Network (NUTN) for institutional achievement, student success and faculty professional development.
Harkness earned her Ph.D. in political science, specializing in public policy from the University of Hawaii at Manoa, an M.A. in international relations from U.S. International University and a B.S. in psychology from the University of Wisconsin System at La Crosse.
She also has certificates in data analytics from Cornell University, leadership and intercultural curriculum development from the East-West Center, Higher Education Management from the Peabody School at Vanderbilt University, and leadership of the faculty from Harvard University